Natural Law Institute’s Grand Strategy is Half of The Solution – the Via Negativa. We still need the Via-Positivas.

GRAND STRATEGY 1 – We don’t know Game B. (We don’t care either – at least as the institute goes.) We function purely falsificationary (Judicial) frame: Remove falsehood, irreciprocity, devolutionary, and the choice of games is up to the population. Anything not false, irreciprocal, and devolutionary is therefore ether amoral or moral (good). 2 – Intrinsic to this question is that we function only as judges (the via-negativa). We do not function as priests, politicians, and public intellectuals (the via positiva)....

February 14, 2022 · Curt Doolittle


SUBVERTING THE RIGHT’S FAILURE Part 1 – The Origin of Failure – Causality Every individual constructs, by a combination of accident, affinity, and intent, his intuitions, philosophy, self image, and status-claims by investment in a set of identities (imitation), beliefs (presumptions), and rationalizations (excuses, arguments, philosophies). Biologically this means, together, this spectrum of ‘beliefs’ regulates our ability to produce serotonin, and serotonin produces our ability to regulate negative emotions. And it’s the regulation of negative emotions that produces what we call mindfulness....

February 14, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

Trusting the Science and Doing the Math – The Ancient and Modern Cults of Lies – CD’S NOTES FOR JFG CHAT 2022.02.10

Trusting the Science and Doing the Math – The Ancient and Modern Cults of Lies Introduction: The Context A few days ago, for some reason now lost to me, some evolutionary science denier quoted Vox Day (who is a christian evolutionary science denier), claiming to have ‘done the math’, and that it wasn’t possible for humans and chimps to have evolved from a common ancestor (or something of that nature.)...

February 10, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

“Under natural law we don’t lose the priest domain. The priest domain loses deceit and fraud.”-Weinhagen

By Luke Weinhagen GIVEN – (Deflationary Grammars) {Scientists} – Logic – … Math – … … Algorithms – … … … Recipes, Protocols – … … … … Sciences – … … … … … The Law (Descriptive Grammar) – … … … … Narration (history) – … … … Fiction – … … Fictionaisms – … Deceit – Fraud – (Inflationary Grammars) {Priests} Under natural law we don’t lose the priest domain....

February 6, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

The Final Word on Pistol Calibers (Guns and Man-Stuff)

The problem among fellows in our loving ‘cult of the gun’ is the psychological fun of playing with this question of calibers, when it makes little difference in pistols. And it’s not until we get to rifles that it matters much. So the conventional wisdom that has evolved over the past twenty years (with technology) is that we should shoot the biggest caliber that you can comfortably and reliably hit the target where you want to with....

February 6, 2022 · Curt Doolittle


“ARE WE GOING TO LOSE OUR DEMOCRACY?” Confuses the importance of democracy (a luxury good with questionable value and all historical evidence against it) with the importance of self-determination by self-determined means that we imprecisely call sovereignty(political), liberty(economic), and freedom (individual). And worse, overstating the value of democracy understates the rule of law of the natural law of self-determination by self-determined means, by reciprocal insurance, by force of arms, of that self-determination, by the guarantee of sovereignty in demonstrated interests, reciprocity in-display word, and deed, limiting us to truth before face(self), duty before self, loyalty before self, and reciprocity in display word and deed, and the total prohibition on authority....

February 4, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

“Communities are built on the stories they tell about themselves.”

“SCIENCE IT”: Groups need a means of organizing cooperation and suppression aggressions across teh entire spectrum of human behaviors. To do so all groups require a system of measurement with which to test behaviors of others, and adapt to behaviors themselves. The spectrum of systems of measurement reflect the increases in demand for knowledge and ability, or graceful failure in the absence of knowledge and ability. Given that humans are capable of imitatation (physical), empathy (emotional), and sympathy (cognitive) intuition, the least cost method of tranferring a system of measurment is storytelling....

February 2, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

Religion and Civilization Leading to The Natural Religion of Man

RELIGION AND CIVILIZATION LEADING TO THE NATURAL RELIGION OF MAN ME did not develop trifunctionalism because despite the center of world trade, the supply of a sequence of ‘hill people, desert people, then steppe people’ caused rotation of conqueres of concentrated capital production along the rivers preventing trust formation. There are only three means of human coercion (seduction, exchange, force) -> three sets of institutions (religion, contract law, state) -> the sequence of institutions determines the hierarchy of influence....

January 29, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

The American Understanding Of Geostrategy vs Ukraine

FACTS: The western ethic is the right to self-determination by self-determined means – it was the rule by which they created the postwar era. The Americans are aware of the possibility of a three-front war (Russia, China, Iran) This is what you’re failing to grasp. So America will draw Russia into an aggressive action against Ukraine, thus restoring NATO’s legitimacy, and Solving the American problem of Europe paying for its defense, and accelerating the unification of an Army of Europe....

January 29, 2022 · Curt Doolittle

“The Complete Message: Cause And Cure Of The Crisis” VIDEO CONTENTS IN BULLET POINT FORM Doolittle Complete Message 27 January 2022 There is an axis to the universe of computation. Among human beings, the axis is oriented between “masculine” and “feminine” poles. When it comes to societies, human beings end up generating “the trifunctional system,” (of specialization based on the means of coercion available to human beings in society). Civilization specializes these different forces operating within it (the coercive potentials) because of the particular advantages (of division of the labor of calculation)....

January 27, 2022 · Curt Doolittle